About Us

Politic India has been launched  in march 2013 with a vision to undertake research problems in the following areas and publish research reports.

  1. Education and Social Studies

  2. Environment and Sustainable Development

  3. Policy, Planning and Administration

  4. Gender

  5. Health and Yoga

  6. People's Movements

  7. Rural India

  8. Science and Society

Problems for the study are based on their immediate and future relevance in understanding the various social, political, economic and educational problems and meeting the challenges posed  to various soci institutions and  organizations engaged in public welfare.      

Politic India also provides analytical news feed on popular issues pertaining to education, polity, economy, environment, trade,  commerce & agriculture, science & technology, media & communications, art & culture. 

Politic India stands for the cause of common people and tries to highlight the issues of their livelyhood, shelter, education, health, participation, empowerment etc.  Our goal is not to make any profit. This portal is open to all.